Javascript Frameworks – AngularJS vs NodeJS vs ReactJS

March 15, 2019

JavaScript combat is a continuous one. To develop websites, JavaScript frameworks act as a pioneer and favorite for the developer. However, choosing one of the JavaScript applications often raises a question of whether you prefer Angularjs, Node js, or React js. Before turning to JavaScript Development Services, you need to know and understand the difference between the three frameworks, AngularJS, NodeJS, and  ReactJS; their features, and their benefits.

Therefore, we will study the parallels between these three JavaScript frameworks and ponder in-depth into the understanding of JavaScript development, JavaScript frameworks, and enhancing performance. And we need to know, what makes these three frameworks distinct and how convenient are they for JavaScript software development? We are familiar with the fact that we are running towards the next generation of JavaScript, customizable as per our requests. For the same purpose, we have Angular JS, React JS, and Node JS. These three are the most useful coding languages of the present. Here is the outline about Angularjs, React JS, and Node JS.

JavaScript framework 1: Angular JS

In 2009, Google introduced its open source type Angular Js, a JavaScript framework. The objective of introducing this framework primarily was to support developers and help them master the trial of building a single-page application. The AngularJs dependency injection is responsible for creating elements by determining their dependencies, and offering them to other units as needed. It provides a consistent JavaScript framework for client-side MVC controllers, and HTTP requests thus turning the process of development to be extremely simple. The angular runs all the scripts in a single threaded method. Hence, there is less chance of concurrency problem to occur. The best aspect of AngularJs is its simplicity that makes development a painless process. Furthermore, Angular has a robust group of developers that allow professionals to find solutions to their problems and answers to their queries.

Pros of Angularjs:

  • Flexibility: AngularJS is flexible for web app development due to its usage of filters and directives. Directives bring properties by extending HTML instead of altering the DOM. Hence, the developers can build Sortable HTML using the filters without modifying the JS.
  • Modular Development: AngularJS simplifies the development of complex sectional client-side applications. Moreover, Angular Developers can build components in discrete JavaScript files. This helps them to have organized coding structures. While using angular for developing applications, every unit of an application is bundled as a separate package, maintaining code consistency. For example, Applications, model view controller, etc are some of the Angular modules.
  • Angular data binding: Both model and view are associated with each other to enable automatic data synchronization. In addition, any updates to the view are instantaneously broadcasted on to the model and vice versa. Also, these changes get replicated immediately. Owing to this aspect, Angular App development has turned out to be the most demanding and the coding model is undeniably guileless for any amateur coder.

Cons of AngularJS Framework:

  • Intricate nature of the directives API.
  •  Angular responses a bit slow for websites with many collaborative components,
  • Original prototype tends to be sluggish.
  • Issues with high performance due to the presence of many DOM components.
  • Tough third-party assimilation.
  • Precipitous learning curve.
  • Modules are easy to use but tough to fix.
  •  Hire AngularJS Developers

JavaScript framework2: ReactJs

ReactJs is a JavaScript library that unifies the swiftness of JavaScript and employs an innovative approach to interpreting web pages, turning them very active and receptive to user input. The product considerably altered the Facebook methodology for development. After the publication of the library as an open-source JavaScript tool in 2013, it grew to be enormously prevalent. This happened because of its radical approach to coding user interfaces features. Further, ReactJs provides any development company with a good quality of server and client-side rendering with the single-way flow for data binding. Because of its reusable components, also called as code chunks, it makes it informal for coders to build collaborative websites. ReactJS is more of a library with a complete set of tools, framework, and solutions enabling the development process more manageable.

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Pros of ReactJS

  • Server-side rendering: ReactJS claims an exclusive feature that expedites fast rendering of content, for an improved user interface. A simulated React DOM lets both client side and server side interpretation to reduce the page load time.
  • Virtual DOMS: Unlike other structures that operate with the actual DOM, ReactJS utilizes its intangible copy – the Virtual DOM. Even a small change is updated everywhere. This makes any changes speedy, allowing you to build a dynamic UI.
  • Reusable components: React has the facility to use specific code modules again, HTML syntax anytime, yet another significant time-saving effort. Reusing is design effectiveness. This lets the coders for re-claiming modules making programming more accurate, ergonomic, and easy for developers.

Cons of ReactJS:

  • Long time for the initial development
  • Poor documentation of React
  • JSX is a barricade
  • Added SEO difficulty
  • Small supporting Community

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JavaScript framework 3: Node JS

Joyent, a cloud computing and hosting solutions provider, funded for Node.js, as an open-source JavaScript framework. Node.js is a prevalent optimal for online gaming, chats, video conferencing, or any solution that needs a continuous update of data. Owing to the Node.js’ agility, the team’s output will significantly improve as well. Coders qualified in frontend JavaScript can efficiently being coding the server side with the minutest learning curve. By creating various levels of abstraction, the node js codes can be reused for both front-end and back-end development.

One can put the node.js framework together on Chrome’s JavaScript runtime for building fast and accessible network applications. Node.js employs an event-driven nonblocking I/O model that turns it simple and powerful, impeccable for data-demanding real-time applications that run through distributed networks.

Pros of Node.js

  • Simple learning curve: JavaScript is one of the most used coding languages for front-end development. Almost every front-end coding professional is acquainted with this global language. Hence, it is effortless for them to change to utilizing Node.js at the back-end. It involves less work and minimal time to study and work with, even for a beginner.
  • Restriction less framework: Node.js offers you your own space and liberty in developing apps your way. Node.js is, implying that you can start creating everything from the beginning. It can perform simple tasks, making it unrestricted
  • Fullstack JS: With a rising acceptance of Node.js full-stack JavaScript has become a certainty. Currently, it is possible to code both front-end and back-end of web applications using JavaScript, thus, making app deployment efficient and comfortable.
  • Rich ecosystem: With approximately 350,000 tools accessible from the NPM registry as of today, the Node.js environment is quite healthy. And the coders dynamically apply it as well.

Cons of Node.Js

  • Unstable API
  • Consumes time for development
  • Ingenuousness of tools
  • Lack of experienced professionals
  • Unsuitable for heavy apps
  • Performance blockages and design concerns

Web and Mobile App Development Company

Finally, if you have decided to go for JavaScript-based app development or web development, selecting the appropriate framework may have a substantial impact on the victory of your project. Hence, discuss with the development company whether to use AngularJs, NodeJs or React Js for your project. It can control your capability to finish the coding on time and maintain your code. However, you cannot select a semantic or tool just for the reason that another big firm did. It is of no use to look at others and decide when you are at stake. You must know your requirements straight and recognize the paybacks the technology will offer you, without thinking about the unseen downsides.

As you know well, no technology is a champion. Few frameworks are apt for particular projects, and some may not fit in. Scrutinize your plan from several viewpoints including development, scope, dependencies, scalability, landscapes, etc., and touch base with expert web Development Company to design perfect web architecture and website proposal that fits your business requirements the best.

Written by Shveta Tavani

March 15, 2019


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