Effective Website Design And Development Stages!

January 7, 2015

Website design and development is an art embedded with technology. Designing and developing an effective website is not an individual’s task but a whole collection of different skills get to involve in the process. You will read more about the design and development stages in this blog. 

Art of effective web design and development

From typography and copywriting to layout and art, they all combined together to develop an interface that not only features a pleasant aesthetic but that communicates functions and facilitates easy access to its content. It takes creative efforts to make a website easy to use. Hence, your visitors will love to see the website and come to visit again and again as the experience is simple, less complicated and quick. However, in order to achieve successful results, one must have a clear direction. Obviously,  a direction that will guide each and every aspect of your web design towards common goals.

Firstly, You think strategically. And homework is a must before getting started. Secondly, proper planning, the staging of events and the right flow of ideas are essential to follow. You have to include various elements for effective website design and development. Moreover, if you already have a website, you are thinking of renovating the website what would you do? In this case, too, you need to know about effective web design elements.

Web design and Development Company

Effective website design and development stages:

Stage 1- Information Gathering

Stage 2- Planning

……… 3- Web Design

Stage 4- Web Development

Stage 5- Onsite SEO

……….6- Testing and Delivery

Stage 7- Maintenance

Information Gathering

You need to start by collecting information about the business of your client and their organization’s goals to have an idea of the web design.  Communicate with your clients and understand what exactly they want on their website. It will not only make your task easy but also help you in the right direction of the website development. Ask your client, your project manager or yourself what are you trying to achieve with the new website? What is the website’s main purpose?

A clear direction is essential if you want your website design to have a purpose. It is advisable that your website represents the brand for which you are working. Your initial research on the company’s plans and reasons behind website development will help you in operating and digging into the internal value dynamics. The more you communicate the more you will be able to understand the purpose, goals, target audiences and content on which the whole idea of the business is based.


After gathering all the required information about the project you need to move on with brilliant planning. Your planning should be based not on a single agenda but on various elements. The target audience of the website and the agenda of the website development are the key factors. Then think of the theme of website design and decide the suitable technology for the website development.

As the audience plays a big role in how your website should look and function, you need to plan about demographics that can influence your design, ones like age, gender, profession, and technical competency. A serious business journal for an entrepreneur needs a different style and theme than that of a computer game website. Remember, usability should play a bigger role for older and less technically savvy audiences. A properly structured planning would also help in creative judgment as you would be confident with the process chosen and applied.

Web Design

Combine the information with your planning before starting the web design. Your focus should be on the brand and requirements. You need to follow the latest trends. Firstly, you have to think about what sort of image they really should be conveying and then implement them. Glossy buttons, gradients, and reflective floors may work for some websites, but they may or may not be right for your brand. It is advisable to think of a fresh and creative design. Further, start off with a theme in mind and start website design sticking to a tone. Start with a sketch, try to mix ideas to create variations and develop a couple of design prototypes. Make a balance between color and images. You need to think about the emotions you wish to elicit on the website. Your design should embody the character of your brand.

Everything has a brand; even if you don’t sell a product or service. For example, if you run a blog, your website still has a certain feel that makes an impression on your visitors. Decide what that impression should be in the web design.

If talking about the technical aspect, then you need to prepare mock-ups starting from the most important pages that would represent and lead the entire web profile. You need to work in close proximity with a team of technical experts who would help you program the required CSS and XHTML.

Web Development

Next important stage of website development is writing the code for the home page and to create a shell for internal pages. It would work as a template to refer to navigation and functional facets. Moreover, this will help you build web architecture for the entire website quite confidently and easily. Mark all objects and features that need to serve the entire web framework with resources and facilities. If it’s an e-commerce website, it needs to have a complete presentation schema. In addition, have the integration of the web elements done with adequate scalability and security measures in place.

You may like to read: Top web development trends in 2018

Onsite SEO

Every client demands his website should appear on top of search engines. So, you need to stuff it with relevant keywords while you are adding titles, meta-tags, h-tags, and content to complete onsite SEO.

Testing and Delivery

Quality assurance testing plays an important role in effective and creative website development. There is no website comes out perfect in the first go. No matter how carefully you do your task there is a chance of bugs and limitations left while developing a website. It is important to go step by step following a proper testing guide. then, apply those using test cases putting quality checks at multiple levels for the website development. Finally, ensure meeting all the validation and compatibility measures. In the end, you can deploy your website on a safe server and get a domain name registered for it and you are done with perfect delivery.

Read Also:- Web Development: Top 8 Trends You Should Know in 2018


Like your home and car need regular maintenance, the website also needs maintenance and continuous improvement. You can always improve using small steps. And the very nature of a website will allow you to introduce these at any time. This is because a website isn’t a magazine that you print and sell. You cannot make any changes or fix any spelling mistakes once a magazine copy is out of your hands. A website, however, sits on your server, if you find a mistake, you can fix it right away. In the same vein, you can introduce gradual improvements and updates to make your website more effective in serving its function.

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Written by Darshan Kothari

Founder of Vardhaman Infotech - Blockchain & AI development Company. Developed world's first KALQ Keyboard. Thiel fellowship runner up. Love reading books.

January 7, 2015


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